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Published on 19-Apr-2021

Oqtane Noteworthy Changes in v2.0.2
Oqtane Noteworthy Changes in v2.0.2
Oqtane Noteworthy Changes in v2.0.2

A grand total of 33 pull requests by 6 contributors were integrated into this release.

Noteworthy Changes in v2.0.2

#1246 Redirect on log out experience improvement @leigh-pointer

#1244 Page Management can now render custom Theme settings UI based on new ThemeSettingsType property in ITheme interface @sbwalker

#1244 Module Settings can now render custom Settings UI based on new SettingsType property in IModule interface @sbwalker

#1244 Module Settings can now render Container settings UI based on new ContainerSettingsType property in ITheme interface @sbwalker

#1244 Module Creator added to Module Management for UX consistency @sbwalker

#1244 Theme Creator added to Theme Management for UX consistency @sbwalker

#1244 TabStrip/TabPanel rendering bug fixed @sbwalker

#1244 AllowFileManagement property added to RichTextEditor @sbwalker

#1244 Html/Text module enhanced with custom module settings for enabling/disabling File Management @sbwalker

#1244 ModuleActions bug fixed to not render Move To menu when no panes exist @sbwalker

#1244 Theme controls organized into subfolders for Theme and Container @sbwalker

#1244 Oqtane Theme enhanced with Theme and Container settings @sbwalker

#1244 WebAssembly download of DLLs fixed to handle satellite assemblies in subfolders @sbwalker

#1244 Page model now loads PageSettings automatically @sbwalker

#1244 Localization Manager dynamically loads list of SupportedCultures rather than using appsettings.config @sbwalker

#1244 Upgrade Manager fixed to handle errors deleting Internal module templates @sbwalker

#1244 Pane Layouts deprecated @sbwalker

#1230 Add theme creator modules to simplify the scaffolding of external themes @sbwalker

#1228 Enhance ModuleActions component to display panes in a submenu @sbwalker

#1228 Added module outline in edit mode to distinguish modules in panes @sbwalker

#1228 Consolidated to use a single default AdminPane @sbwalker

#1228 Fixed bug related to custom Admin Container behavior @sbwalker

#1227 Move folder path logic from Client Service to Server Controller @sbwalker

#1226 Organize theme components into folders @sbwalker

#1224 Add Login form validation @sbwalker

#1221 Add globally unique identifier for Site ( used string data type to ensure compatibility with multiple database engines ) @sbwalker

#1219 Add message to indicate Module Creator is only intended for use in development environments @sbwalker

#1218 Ensure parent page cannot be set to current page @sbwalker

#1216 Added Keypress event to catch Enter key on Login page @leigh-pointer

#1215 Fix dropdown list UX behavior where there is a default option @sbwalker

#1213 Add ability to test SMTP connection in Site Settings @sbwalker

#1212 WebAssembly reload the client application if the server application is restarted @sbwalker

#1206 Fix localizer in Admin pages @hishamco

#1205 Ensure Install Wizard will only be displayed if the Master database connection string in appsettings.json is not specified. This addresses a potential security issue where the Install Wizard could be displayed in an existing installation if the Master database connection failed during startup @sbwalker

#1203 Make module creator templates extensible @sbwalker

#1202 Add Resources folder to Oqtane.Client @hishamco

#1201 Refactor user deletion @sbwalker

#1188 Remove admin border after edit @erw13n

#1178 Fix user delete @Raceeend

#1177 Delete profile should refresh profiles list @hishamco

#1174 Add defensive coding for scenario where host name does not match any alias @sbwalker

#1171 Fix Pager component issue which manifested itself in Event Log @sbwalker

#1170 Add folder structure to external module template client project to organize code and emphasize that a module project can contain multiple modules @sbwalker

#1168 Create new UseOqtaneDatabase extension method @cnurse

#1164 Fix menu icon UI issue @hishamco

#1163 Issue with menu Icon Spacing @leigh-pointer

#1161 Change Rows to Maximum Records in event log @hishamco

#1155 Fix UX issue where the Location field was not being updated when the user selected Create Module @sbwalker

#1154 Delete all Modules and Pages from Recycle bin @leigh-pointer

#1151 Add gitignore and README to Solution files and ad support for Jetbrains Rider @cnurse

#1149 LangVersion set to 7.3 @leigh-pointer

List of Contributors in v2.0.2

Shaun Walker @sbwalker

Hisham Bin Ateya @hishamco

Leigh Pointer @leigh-pointer

Charles Nurse @cnurse

Erwin Yulianto @erw13n

Pieter Kuyck @Raceeend

Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 5.0 (v5.0.100+). This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.

This release has 8 assets:

  • Oqtane.Client.2.0.2.nupkg
  • Oqtane.Framework.2.0.2.Install.zip
  • Oqtane.Framework.2.0.2.nupkg
  • Oqtane.Framework.2.0.2.Upgrade.zip
  • Oqtane.Server.2.0.2.nupkg
  • Oqtane.Shared.2.0.2.nupkg
  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

Visit the release page to download them.

Github Oqtane Github

Created on 19-Apr-2021 Last updated 17-Apr-2024

Assigned Tag
  • Oqtane
  • netcore