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Oqtane is a modular application framework for Blazor, and Studio-Elf is an early adopter of this framework. If your application requires a robust, solid architecture, then Oqtane may be a good solution for you.

What is also nice to note is, the Cross Platform Database Support ( ie. LocalDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL )

Oqtane has a built in User, Role, and Page management, as well as support for external third-party modules as well as custom modules designed and built by Studio-Elf. New modules can be scaffolded to meet your needs so you can be up and running with a new system in weeks.

Studio-Elf is an active contributor to the github codebase, so familiar with what is available and what is on the roadmap.

Blogs Summaries

  • Oqtane42
  • DynamicForms23
  • Visual Studio5
  • RocketFuel3
  • Agilify2
  • #All
Oqtane Released 5.2.0

  • Oqtane
  • 5.2.0

The 5.2.0 release is a major release and includes a native search solution for indexing content, the ability to support custom text editors, as well as usability, scalability and performance improvements.

Created 25-Jul-2024 2024-W30
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DynamicForm 2.4.1 Released

  • DynamicForms

In this release we see 3 new controls and a small game changer for the form UI.

Created 25-Jul-2024 2024-W30
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DynamicForm Released

  • DynamicForms

New control added CheckBoxList

Created 11-Jul-2024 2024-W28
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Exploring the New Oqtane Templates for Module and Theme Development

  • Oqtane
  • Templates
  • MudBlazor
  • Radzen
  • Syncfusion

Oqtane, the open-source modular application framework for Blazor, continues to evolve, now offering four innovative templates designed to streamline module and theme development. These templates, available for download through the Oqtane Marketplace, embrace the code-behind format and integrate popular UI component libraries, ensuring developers have the tools they need for efficient and dynamic application building.

Created 15-Jun-2024 2024-W24
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Multilingual Text / HTML module nearing release

  • Oqtane
  • MLTextHTML
  • Multilingual

The Studio Elf Multilingual Text / HTML module is nearing release. Allowing you now to have different content depending on your language selection.

Created 11-Jun-2024 2024-W24
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Oqtane Release 5.1.2

  • Oqtane

The 5.1.2 release has been upgraded to the latest .NET SDK 8.0.5. The Control Panel was enhanced with the ability to add a copy of an existing module to a page. A new Prerendering property was added to the IModuleControl interface which provides developers with more granular control over component rendering behavior. The Language Selection component was enhanced to work in static rendering scenarios, and the entire application was reviewed for missing localization keys. Support was added for "headless" modules which do not have any UI components. And logic was added to provide a consistent browser scroll position when navigating in Blazor static server rendering.

Created 29-May-2024 2024-W22
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New Theme Released "JetPack"

  • Oqtane
  • Theme

The JetPack theme gives you more control over your content Panes.

Created 18-Apr-2024 2024-W16
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Developing Static Server Components in Oqtane 5.1

  • Oqtane
  • SSR

Oqtane 5.1 introduces Static Server rendering, a powerful feature that brings efficiency and versatility to web development. In our latest blog post, we explore how developers can leverage static server components to enhance their projects in Oqtane 5.1.

Created 29-Mar-2024 2024-W13
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DynamicForm 2.1.0 Released

  • DynamicForms
  • Oqtane

A brand new component added to the toolbox, the IF component.

Created 05-Mar-2024 2024-W10
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SwatchifyPro Theme released

  • Oqtane
  • theme
  • SwatchifyPro

This is a new theme for Oqtane.

Created 05-Mar-2024 2024-W10
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