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Category Blog

Published on 18-Apr-2021

Oqtane Module Template
Oqtane Module Template
Oqtane Module Template

Oqtanes module creator uses a template to create the external module. This feature is extendable as you are able to create your own templates.

Creating / modifying templates has enabled me to be more active in the design of the module rather that the nuts and bolts.

When you find a nice pattern you just add it to the template.

As I prefer to run my module development with references to the Oqtane solution rather than the binaries, my templates set that all up for me. This setup allows me to run my module directly from the module solution.

Created on 19-Apr-2021 Last updated 03-May-2021

Assigned Tag
  • Oqtane
  • templates
  • modules