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Published on 11-Aug-2021

.NET Hot Reload User Experience for editing managed code at runtime
.NET Hot Reload User Experience for editing managed code at runtime
.NET Hot Reload User Experience for editing managed code at runtime

In this release we are excited to make available the first release of the new Hot Reload user experience when editing code files for applications such as WPF, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Core, Console, etc. With Hot Reload you can now modify your apps managed source code while the application is running with no need to pause execution or use a breakpoint. Instead, simply make a supported change and use the new “apply code changes” button in the toolbar to apply them immediately.


In this update of Visual Studio this new experience is available when running your application under the debugger (F5) and is powered by the Edit and Continue (EnC) mechanism. Therefore, anywhere that EnC is supported you can now also use Hot Reload alongside any other debugger features. .NET Hot Reload will also work alongside XAML Hot Reload, making it possible to make both UI and code-behind changes in your desktop applications such as WPF or WinUI.

Both EnC and Hot Reload also share the same limitations, so be aware that not every type of edit is currently supported. The complete list of what is or is not supported can be found in our documentation.

Created on 11-Aug-2021 Last updated 21-Aug-2021

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  • Visual Studio