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Category General

Published on 29-Apr-2021

Resources used for this site
Resources used for this site
Resources used for this site

Just thought I would record the resources that are being used to run this site.

  1. The site is using an application framework called Oqtane. This is free and opensource.
  2. The frameworking runs on dotNetCore and I have opted for InterServer. To be honest this hosting company is a lot better than I expected. For the first month it cost me 1cent and from then on 8 us$. The package is huge and I cant see me moving for sometime.
  3. I recently setup SSL so a search on the net I came back with a few. One stood out "gogetssl" 3 month free, get this it is also renewable.

Created on 29-Apr-2021 Last updated 10-May-2021

Assigned Tag
  • Web hosting
  • Oqtane
  • gogetssl
  • InterSever