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Published on 10-Jun-2021

WebDav and disabling
WebDav and disabling
WebDav and disabling

Whis some hosting providers things come preinstalled, and webDAV was one on the features I did not want as it breaks the Oqtane framework. So here is how to manually disable it in the web.config file.

Manually edit Web.config to disable WebDAV

This solution requires editing an XML configuration file directly, but does not require any extra software.

Edit Web.config. By default, it is located in  your Oqtane root. Find the <modules> section in the <system.webServer> section. Add <remove name="WebDAVModule"/> before </modules>. Find the <handlers> section in the <system.webServer> section. Add <remove name="WebDAV"/> before </handlers>.

You may need to recycle the app pool or restart IIS for this change to take effect.

And thats it.

The side effects of having webDAV enabled is that the Oqtane framework cant save any data.

Created on 10-Jun-2021 Last updated 30-Jul-2021

Assigned Tag
  • IIS
  • webDAV
  • Disabling