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Published on 21-May-2021

Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2022

Visual Studio 2022. It will be 64-bit and will provide a leaner, more intelligent, and action-oriented experience.

While Visual Studio is going 64-bit, this doesn't change the types or bitness of the applications you build with Visual Studio.

NET. Visual Studio 2022 will have full support for.

C++. Visual Studio 2022 will include robust support for the C++ workload with new productivity features, C++20 tooling, and IntelliSense.

Visual Studio 2022 will include performance improvements in the core debugger, with additional features like flame charts in the profiler for better spotting the hot paths, dependent breakpoints for more precise debugging, and integrated decompilation experiences which will allow you to step through code you don't have locally.

Visual Studio 2022 will provide more and deeper integrations into your daily workflows, helping you to take the right action in the right place at the right time.

Visual Studio 2022 will include powerful new support for Git and GitHub.

The new Git experience from Visual Studio will also be coming to Visual Studio for Mac, beginning with the introduction of the Git Changes tool window.

Stay tuned for announcements about the 64-bit Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 availability, which will include our UI refinements and accessibility improvements.

Created on 21-May-2021 Last updated 01-Jun-2021

Assigned Tag
  • Visual Studio
  • 2022
  • VS 2022
  • 64-bit