Oqtane Release 4.0.6

This will be the last release running on .NET 7. We move to .NET 8 this quarter when .NET 8 is fully released.

Changes in v4.0.6

#3375 Enhanced Module Creator to allow specific punctuation characters in Description field @leigh-pointer

#3370 Fixed Language Selector control alignment so that it does not overflow viewport in default themes @leigh-pointer

#3363 Added Search capability to Pager control and implement in Admin UIs (credit @thabaum@sbwalker

#3362 Added Rows option to Profile Management to include support for textarea fields @sbwalker

#3362 Improved Profile validation behavior and feedback to users @sbwalker

#3362 Added support to Add User for Profile fields utilizing select options @sbwalker

#3360 Added ability for module to be inserted at top of pane in Control Panel @sbwalker

#3352 Introduced a dropdown menu for authorization response types in User Settings @Rodien

#3347 Disabled display of uploaded file name or delete button when multiple uploads are enabled in FileManager control @sbwalker

#3346 Displayed uploaded file name in FileManager when ShowFiles is disabled in FileManager @sbwalker

#3344 Modified to use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture for LastSyncDate to support Persian calendar @Mostafa-Moafi

#3342 Added explicit styling to page names in Admin Dashboard so that they are always visible in Bootstrap themes regardles of light/dark mode @sbwalker

#3341 Included CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies property in Client project in Default Module Template @sbwalker

#3340 Added hyperlinks to product logos in Marketplace UIs @sbwalker

#3339 Fixed UrlCombine so that it handles leading and trailing path delimiters and returns proper paths when creating nested folders @sbwalker

Created by: host
Created on: 10/17/2023 3:34:40 AM
Link to: https://www.studio-elf.net/blog/!/Frol=bhxQj/oqtane-release-4-0-6?Frol=bhxQj
Last Reviewed : Never!
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