DynamicForm 1.0.5 Released

This is a bumper release. Optimizations, Refactoring, 3 new controls added to the tool box.

version 1.0.5 -- Released

Performance has greatly improved, although the module performed well we have seen great results from optimization and refactoring.

General UI

  • Improved Saving in all areas of the module.
  • Improvements made to the Form Editor load time and control Properties parser.
  • Improvements made to the Presentation template parser.
  • Retuned the import procedures so that the selected combinations correctly import required data.
  • Individual records can now be accessed via a URL. The module will load the record as a signal record in the active presenter. As the data is visible in the address bar, the id number is encrypted for security.


  • Fixed issue with css not being loaded correctly.

Form Designer

  • The Help button on Preview Form now activates the Help window.


  • RadioButton would not allow the Required flag to be set to false. This is now fixed.
  • All controls that support Aggregation now have two new properties added "Show Aggregate Header" and "Show Aggregate Footer". Aggregate Icon will be displayed when true. The Icon renders a tool-tip of the Aggregate value. the Footer displays the values is the Footer.
  • Added CSSClass property to the Label control.
  • All Control now have [Name]-Container, [Name]-Label and [Name]-Control id's this can assist in styling. ie MyTextBox-Container
  • DataList when the Append property is checked all the values from that column will be available in the dropdown list when Adding or Editing the form data.
  • Date controls, Date, DateTime, Month, Time, and Week now render disabled when the ReadOnly property is set to True.


  • SendButton - This control allows you to send an email from the form. The functionality is simple To, From, Subject , Body, plus is requested the form data can also be sent.
  • UserSelector - This control allows you to select a user from a auto complete search list. Users can be filtered by Role which is set in the controls properties.
  • Calculate - With this control it is possible to create calculations on the form. The resulting data is saved and can be used in the Presentation layer.


  • Add a "None" option to the Pager Position. This is to accommodate a Summary style where only the aggregated values are displayed.
  • The "summary" attribute was renamed to "aggregated" to keep inline with what it actually is.
  • The width of the Presenter Editor can be expanded full container width. This will hide the Presenter Viewer.
  • Extend the PageSize values with the addition of; 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50. 
  • Classes in the Presenter StyleSheet are unique to each Presenter.
  • Chart.css added https://chartscss.org/ Charts.css is a new open source framework for data visualization.

Presenter Designer

New Tokens 

$[ShortDate] dd-MMM-yyyy

$[FullDate] dddd, dd MMMM yyyy

$[ShortTime] HH:mm

$[FullTime] HH:mm:ss

$[RecordCount] This is usefull for any CSS calc functions. i.e style="width: calc(calc($[Gender:aggregated:Female] / $[RecordCount]) * 100%)"

...and many more

New Token Attributes

$[Token:title] displays the title that is used in the form.

Data List

  • When displaying a Color value a small swatch is also displayed


If you user an aggregate count on a list of item you are able to get the aggregate value of an item as follows:

$[Language:aggregated:C#] this would return the count for all items 'C#' items.

$[Coder:aggregated:true] this would return the count for all items 'true' items.

$[Coder:value[1] this would return the value at index level 1, which in this case would return "True"

eg. To calculate the width of a progress bar.

style="width: calc(calc($[Coder:aggregated:$[Coder:value[1]] / $[RecordCount]) * 100%)"


style="width: calc(calc($[Coder:aggregated:true] / $[RecordCount]) * 100%)"

An example Survey will be available on the release of 1.5.0

Created by: host
Created on: 2/17/2023 10:13:28 AM
Link to: https://www.studio-elf.net/blog/!/Frol=bhxQQ/dynamicform-1-0-5-released?Frol=bhxQQ
Last Reviewed : Never!
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