Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2022 17.1

Microsoft shipped the first update to Visual Studio 2022, version 17.1, with faster code search, synched code files, Git improvements and much more.


  • Visual Studio can now automatically save code documents whenever the application loses focus. This feature can be accessed via Tools > Options > Environment > Document. If the "Autosave" option is checked, Visual Studio will attempt to save all dirty code documents whenever the Visual Studio application loses focus (e.g. when switching to another application in Windows).
  • The Code Cleanup feature can now be configured to be run whenever a file is explicitly saved. In Tools > Options under Text Editor > Code Cleanup, a new option allows users to enable the Code Cleanup on explicit save as well as to select the profile to run. Note that this option will not cause Code Cleanup to be run on autosave.

Git Tooling

  • Added capability to compare branches in Visual Studio.
  • Introduced enhancements to the detached head state including the ability to checkout commits.
  • Multi-repo branching enhancements including the ability to create branches across different repositories at the same time (preview feature).
  • Added capability to include README file when creating new Git repositories in Visual Studio.
  • Enhanced the ability to pin commonly used branches utilizing hover buttons.
  • Built a more discoverable UI for relating Work Items with new commits.


  • Add your Github AE account using the integrated account management experience (Requires enabling GitHub Enterprise Server accounts).
  • Added ability to toggle color scheme to color your tabs by File Extension or Project.
  • Added capability to customize tab colors when color tabs are enabled. Right-click on a color tab and select Set tab color.
  • Installation and Updates

Other Improvements

  • Go To Definition from source information in PDBs.
  • IntelliSense completion for await within an awaitable expression.
  • Move static members to a new type refactoring.
  • Simplify code to use the new C# 10.0 extended property patterns refactoring.
  • Detect variable swaps and suggest using a tuple to swap values refactoring.
  • Code definition window support for C# and Visual Basic.
  • Enable nullable reference types across a project refactoring.
  • Signature help simplified view improvements when a tuple appears many times within a signature.
  • Understand errors and warnings at a glance with inline diagnostics.

Created by: host
Created on: 2/17/2022 1:15:20 PM
Link to:!/Frol=YFXh/visual-studio-2022-17-1?Frol=YFXh
Last Reviewed : Never!
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