DynamicForm 1.0.4 Released

This release is quite a large release.

The general UI has had a facelift. With new functionality it was evident that the work areas in the module needed to rearranged so that is was not too busy and only displayed the tools that are required.

The Toolbox sees 3 new controls added, TextEncrypt, TextAreaEncrypt (The data is encrypted when saved and displayed. The Text is decrypted only when the field is in Edit mode. If used please ensure the correct people have access to the data. #If the data is exported it will be useless unless imported to the same instance as to where it was created.) and Decimal.

Also a great addition was that all calculable controls can be aggregated. This will display an icon in the column head, when hoovered will display the summary value.

Forms and Presenters now have their own Style sections injected at runtime. This allows for a more rich and dynamic experience.

Created by: host
Created on: 10/12/2022 6:46:30 AM
Link to: https://www.studio-elf.net/blog/!/FFDl=FUxCo/dynamicform-1-0-4-released?FFDl=FUxCo
Last Reviewed : Never!
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